Some Highlights With inflation driving up the cost of everyday items, seeking out an energy-efficient home can be a great way to decrease the expenses you can control. Energy efficiency can help lower your utility bills and possibly even save you money on your taxes. Options to look for include efficient appliances, windows, and solar panels. If you’re planning to buy a home this year, consider Continue Reading about How an Energy Efficient Home Can Be a Bright Idea [INFOGRAPHIC]
What You Can Expect from the Spring Housing Market
As the spring housing market kicks off, you likely want to know what you can expect this season when it comes to buying or selling a house. While there are multiple factors causing some uncertainty, including the conflict overseas, rising inflation, and the first rate increase from the Federal Reserve in over three years — the housing market seems to be relatively immune. Here’s a look at what Continue Reading about What You Can Expect from the Spring Housing Market
What You Need To Know if You’re Thinking About Building a Home
If you’re ready to move up, you may be trying to decide whether you want to buy a home that’s already on the market or build a new one. And since the supply of homes available for sale today is low, you’re willing to consider either avenue. While home builders are doing everything they can to construct more houses and help narrow the supply shortage, they’re also facing delays due to factors Continue Reading about What You Need To Know if You’re Thinking About Building a Home
The Many Benefits of Homeownership
The past two years have taught us the true value of homeownership, especially the stability and the feeling of accomplishment it can provide. But homeownership has so much more to offer. Here’s a look at a few of the non-financial and financial benefits of owning a home. If you’re looking to buy a home today, think about all the ways homeownership can impact your life. Homeownership Has Impactful Continue Reading about The Many Benefits of Homeownership
The Average Homeowner Gained More Than $55K in Equity over the Past Year
The Average Homeowner Gained More Than $55K in Equity over the Past Year If you’re a current homeowner, you should know your net worth just got a big boost. It comes in the form of rising home equity. Equity is the current value of your home minus what you owe on the loan. Today, you’re building that equity far faster than you may expect – and this gain is great news for you. Here’s how it Continue Reading about The Average Homeowner Gained More Than $55K in Equity over the Past Year
Spring Cleaning Checklist for Sellers [INFOGRAPHIC]
Spring Cleaning Checklist for Sellers Some Highlights If you’re thinking about selling your house this spring, here are some things you’ll want to tackle before you list. Spend your time on tasks that make it feel inviting, show it’s cared for, and boost your curb appeal. To determine the full list of things you’ll want to tackle for your home, you need the opinion of a trusted expert. Continue Reading about Spring Cleaning Checklist for Sellers [INFOGRAPHIC]
Did Your Dream Home Just Come on the Market?
Did Your Dream Home Just Come on the Market? For the first time in a long time, the number of newly listed homes is beginning to rise. In their latest monthly release, reveals the number of existing homes entering the market has increased for two months in a row (this comes after six months of declines). Here’s a graph showing the monthly new listings going back to January of last Continue Reading about Did Your Dream Home Just Come on the Market?
Are You Wondering if This Is the Year To Buy a Home?
Are You Wondering if This Is the Year To Buy a Home? Every year, many renters ask themselves the same question: Should I continue renting, or is it time to buy a home? If you’re a renter, chances are you’ve asked yourself that question at least once, and it’s likely because you’ve faced an increase in your monthly housing costs over time. After all, according to Census data, rents have risen Continue Reading about Are You Wondering if This Is the Year To Buy a Home?